spsc cyber attack

On Tuesday, the Pakistani white-hat hacker, Rafay Baloch made a claim on his Facebook post, that the website of Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC) has been reportedly compromised. The SPSC cyber attack seems to have origins from Pakistan’s neighboring country, as the hackers are demanding money in Indian currency. 

Hackers Involved in SPSC Cyber Attack Are Demanding ₹500 from Each User

The website of Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC) is supposedly is generating hyperlink points upon the login in the website. The hyperlink points in the SPSC cyber attack are directing an Indian payment gateway known as “Instamojo” demanding payment of ₹500 from each user. The ethical hacker, Rafay Baloch insisted the SPSC website users refrain from making interactions with the website, he further offered his services to handle the SPSC cyber attack.  

In addition to this, Rafay Baloch shared screenshots of the possible hack on the website of Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC) in his Facebook post as a proof. However, people commenting on his post are favoring two opposite sides regarding the possible SPSC cyber attack. Some of his followers are claiming that the SPSC website is working fine, and there are no hints of a possible attack. On the other hand, some of the people are with the ethical hacker and are urging him to contact authorities for an immediate reaction for the crisis caused by the attack.

Rafay Baloch is an Ethical Hacker and Security Researcher 

Furthermore, Rafay Baloch is a Pakistani national, who is an ethical hacker and security researcher acknowledged for his identification of vulnerabilities on the Android operating system. He has been engaged in bug bounty programs and has identified many critical vulnerabilities in several open-source web applications. He has further found crucial vulnerabilities in PayPal in the year 2012: he hacked into PayPal servers by using a remote code execution bug.

Read more: Rafay Baloch Makes Shocking Claims Regarding FBR Cyber-Attack


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