Google has created an AI music generator model called, MusicLM, that can create music in any genre with a text description.

Google has created an AI music generator model called, MusicLM, that can create music in any genre with a text description. Google researchers explain MusicLM as an AI tool that has the ability to generate music that is both textually conditioned and melodically driven.

Detailed Description of MusicLM

Google described MusicLM as a one-of-its-kind AI model that can be conditioned on both text and a melody in that it can transform whistled and hummed melodies according to the style described in a text caption. For experimental purposes, Google has released more than 5,000 music-text pairs for people.

MusicLM can also be instructed via a combination of picture and caption or generate audio that’s played by a specific type of instrument in a certain genre. People say that MusicLM is bigger than ChatGPT, as the latter can only solve complex questions while the former can go beyond that and transform intention, a story, or paint into a song.

Why is Google Not Releasing the AI Music Model?

Google is not releasing MusicLM, over fears of copyright issues; however, roughly one percent of the music produced at the time of publication was copied directly from the training songs. The co-author of the research paper wrote; “We acknowledge the risk of potential misappropriation of creative content associated to the use case. We strongly emphasize the need for more future work in tackling these risks associated to music generation.” Eric Sunray, a legal intern at the Music Publishers Association, argues that MusicLM violates music copyright by creating tapestries of coherent audio from the works they ingest in training, thereby infringing the United States Copyright Act’s reproduction right.

Also read: Google is Planning to Integrate AI Chatbot with Search Amid ChatGPT’s Growing Popularity


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