
Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, reportedly faced a new management challenge as a portion of his superior leadership advances restive. According to the New York Times, present and former senior leaders have criticized the company’s increasingly “risk-averse” style, with over 30 of the firm’s vice presidents resigning in a single year.

Furthermore, The Times also cited 15 current and former executives, reporting that this layer of administration considers the firm has become too bureaucratic, and that Pichai plays it too safe. “Google’s lack of courage with its diversity problem is ultimately what evaporated my passion for the job,” David Baker, a former executive of engineering who served at the firm for 16 years stated, “The more secure Google has become financially, the more risk-averse it has become.”

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Furthermore, Sundar Pichai took the reins as CEO in 2015, taking over from business co-founder Larry Page. In that period of time, some of the firm’s disagreeable laundry was advertised publicly including the contradicted firing of its ethical AI lead Timnit Gebru, antitrust investigations in the US and the EU, and private dispute over its military agreements with the Pentagon.

After over 2,000 workers signed a petition censuring Gebru’s firing, Pichai agreed to rebuild trust within the organization. His message has been somewhat weakened by an increasingly blunt and recently established workforce.

Moreover, in a review of LinkedIn profile updates, it was discovered that 36 of the company’s Vice Presidents had departed in the last 12 months, valuing for about a tenth of such officials presently in post at the company.

Back in 2018, a paper reported that over a dozen VPs signed an email addressed to Pichai, declaring that the company was undergoing “significant growing pains,” and warning that there were “difficulties regulating technical decisions” and that their feedback was “often overlooked.”

Source: NY Times


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