AI-generated quizzes

YouTube is working to improve its search result by testing the‘ Search in Video’ feature, which will allow users to look for specific words in a video. Moreover, the company is also working to create educational courses and have multiple audio tracks that make it easy to present content in several different languages. According to Google India, ‘We’re piloting the ability to search within videos on your phone’s Search app. Just type in your query using the ‘Search in video’ feature & find exactly what you’re looking for.’

Search in Video Feature to Allow Mobile Users to Search Through the Transcript

If you use YouTube on your desktop, then you must be aware that the feature to search for some specific words or phrases has already been there for quite a while. In October 2022, the company announced a similar feature for Android and iOS apps that are finally being tested.

The ‘Search in Video’ feature will start functioning as soon as you perform a Google search, and upon receiving the video results, you will click the ‘search in Video’ button, which will let you type in a phrase to see if it shows up in the audio transcript, which is often auto-generated by YouTube. If the words match, you need to tap the timecode to be redirected to the moment the phrase is said.

Google Courses

The company also announced a Courses feature that will let creators sell access to a series of educational videos and supporting materials like PDFs or images; however, the courses can also be provided for free using specialized UI meant to guide people through the material. Google is also working to make courses and other videos accessible in different languages.

Also read: Google announces the Generation Scholarship for the women studying computer science


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