AI-generated quizzes

YouTube has started testing a new quiz feature for its community posts; the feature will remain in the testing phase with selected users before further explaining the access. As explained by YouTube, “Quizzes introduce a new, interactive way for creators to engage with viewers, and in cases of educational channels, help them learn. Creators in the beta can create quizzes the same way as other kinds of Community Posts. We’re beginning to test the quizzes beta with a small number of creators and will look to expand in the future based on feedback.”

Quiz Feature to Help Bring Engagement to the Communities

In order to generate direct engagement and interaction with the viewers on Community posts, YouTube has started testing the quiz feature so that more and more people can get involved by giving their input to a specific question being asked. Community posts could be a valuable complement to the creators’ video uploads and a means to share more often with the audience in the app.

With the quiz feature, for instance, a content creator who posts educational content can set up a quiz in the community tab on their channel that relates to the educational content they make, which will make the interaction between the educator and the students much more manageable and accessible.

Photo Editing on YouTube

YouTube is also testing a photo editing feature that provides more ways to compose community updates. Using this feature, content creators can add filters, text, and stickers to images when creating community posts on the YouTube app. As per YouTube, “If you’re a creator in this experiment, you’ll be able to use the YouTube app to add filters, text, and stickers to images for posts. This experiment will roll out to a small percentage of creators who use iOS devices and have the Community tab enabled.”

Also read: YouTube Launches Live Q&A Session to Increase Users’ Engagement


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