Recent events in Punjab province’s Jaranwala town have sent shockwaves throughout Pakistan and beyond as armed mobs unleashed chaos, burning down Christian churches and homes in the wake of blasphemy allegations. The country’s accusations of blasphemy, a sensitive and contentious topic, led to the violent outburst that left the Christian community reeling and the local authorities struggling to regain control.

Mob Violence Engulfs Christian Churches

Videos circulating on social media captured the horrifying scenes as hordes of individuals armed with batons and sticks descended upon the Salvation Army Church and the Saint Paul Catholic Church. The churches, both symbols of faith and community, were set ablaze, reduced to ruins as the flames of anger consumed them. The mob’s fury extended beyond the places of worship; private homes were torched, windows were shattered, and the tranquility of the Christian colony was shattered.

Shahid Mehmood, a resident of Jaranwala who owns a mobile shop about 50 meters from the Salvation Army Church, told Al Jazeera, “I reached my shop around 10am, and there were already hundreds of people gathered outside the church. Given the situation, I decided to close 10 minutes after opening.” Akmal Bhatti, chairman of Minorities Alliance Pakistan, condemned the incident and said the angry mob used the blasphemy laws to justify torching the private homes of innocent people.

False Blasphemy Allegations Ignite Violent Outrage

The catalyst for this tragic episode was the discovery of torn pages of the Quran, the holy book for Muslims, near the Christian colony. Allegations of blasphemous content written on the pages ignited outrage among some Muslims, leading to calls for the arrest of the alleged culprits. The situation escalated further when a local religious leader rallied the community to protest and demand action.

Local authorities found themselves in a difficult predicament, struggling to manage the escalating violence while adhering to Pakistan’s controversial blasphemy laws. While intended to protect religious sentiments, these laws have often been misused to justify violence and discrimination against religious minorities.

Also read: Hindu Man Faces Blasphemy Charges; Escapes Lynching in Hyderabad


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