Ethan Nguonly, a 22-year-old Google employee, is living a life that many might envy; nestled in a house near the beach with his loyal dog by his side and his ukulele ready to strum, Nguonly is not just enjoying life; he’s also on a mission to achieve financial independence and retire early. His journey toward this ambitious goal began long before he even hit his teenage years.

A Youthful Start to Financial Wisdom

At the tender age of 11, Nguonly’s journey toward financial independence took root as he started to grasp the concept of investing. He credits his parents for instilling in him the importance of putting money to work in stocks to make it grow. Their guidance set him on a path of early and consistent investing, setting the stage for his financial future.

Nguonly’s commitment to financial responsibility extended through his college years, where he hustled to avoid student debt and graduated with his bachelor’s degree in just two years. His dedication to financial prudence during this period helped him lay a solid foundation for his ambitious retirement plan.

A 22-year-old Google Employee with a Frugal Mindset

Currently earning an impressive $194,000 annually at Google, Nguonly strives to allocate as much of his income as possible towards his investments. His compensation package includes a base salary of $134,000, a 15% annual bonus, on-call compensation, and $30,000 in restricted stock units. Despite his comfortable income, he adheres to a frugal lifestyle, emphasizing quality over extravagance.

Nguonly’s investment journey, which began with guidance from his parents, has evolved into a portfolio comprising close to $135,000, along with real estate holdings in Florida and California. He has plans to further expand his real estate investments. Nguonly’s disciplined approach to managing his finances extends to careful budgeting, including housing, utilities, transportation, savings, and investments. To achieve his audacious goal of amassing $5 million and retiring by age 35, Nguonly remains committed to his financial journey. He continues to invest in retirement accounts and aims to expand his real estate portfolio by acquiring new properties every few years.

Also read: Google Employee Jumps to Death From NYC Headquarters


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