Google has begun rolling out the like counts for articles in the discovery feed for a limited number of testing audiences.

Google has begun rolling out the likes count for articles in the discovery feed for a limited number of testing audiences. The discovery feed  features a Google search bar at the top, some local weather information, and a list of news articles ideally aligned with the user’s interests.

The likes count for articles is an interesting shift

For avid readers, the likes count for articles is an interesting shift in the discovery feed as it will show how well an article is received by the public. This also has the potential to affect smaller publications striving to get their content into more people’s Discover feeds. The discovery feed shows a like counter for individual articles and videos, revealing how many other Google Search users have up voted it.

According to 9to5Google, the likes count for articles is simplified in to a heart button in each card, and negative votes became the “I’m not interested in this” option in the menu. The like counter will be a helpful source in deciding what to read and what to quit given the likes on the article. Previously, Google rolled out a heart button, so you could like the articles that come across your Discover feed, signaling you want more of that content. Now, they must be looking at whether seeing a like counter will influence you to consume content or not.

Google adds recycling attribute to maximize business discovery

While supporting eco-conscious brands is a key consideration for 82% of consumers who view sustainability as a top priority. Google has added a new recycling attribute for business profiles, which will enable businesses to raise awareness of their recycling programs, and drive more activity as a result. The recycling attributes will show up both in Search and Google Maps.

Read more: Google is Now Redesigning Google Search Using AI Advancements

Source: 9to5Google


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