fuel-efficient routes on Google Maps

Google announced a new feature planned for Google maps – a tool that will help with eco-friendly driving routes. Fuel-efficient routes on Google maps will aid in combating climate change and it will also save money. According to Google, the app will cut back on at least a million tons of carbon going into the air every year. This is roughly the equivalent of taking 200,000 cars and trucks off the streets. If the eco-friendly route has about the same ETA as the fastest route to a location, Google Maps will default to the fuel-efficient route.

Fuel-efficient routes on Google Maps can eliminate a million tons of carbon

To help cut down the carbon imprint, Google Maps will suggest routes based on how much fuel is burned on the way, that will cut down the release of CO2 in our atmosphere. According to Google, the app will cut back on at least a million tons of carbon going into the air every year. This is roughly the equivalent of taking 200,000 cars and trucks off the streets.

Another new feature is expected to roll out later this month. The feature includes a dedicated page where people can search for answers to questions about climate change. The page will provide people with in-depth information about climate change, including actions, causes, effects and definitions, from high-quality sources such as the United Nations.

Read more: Google Maps to get over 100 updates, many of which are powered by AI and machine learning

Augmented reality 

Google is making its new augmented reality walking directions, known now as Google Maps Live View. Live View directions let you hold your phone up, point your camera at the world around you, and see arrows and icons pointing you where you need to go.

Google searches related to travel will show people information about whether hotels have made meaningful commitments to sustainability, including whether they’ve received any environmental certifications. A new shopping feature will suggest energy-intensive options when you search for appliances like dishwashers, water heaters or dryers.

Source: Tech Crunch 


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