the Eidul Fitr holidays will be observed from Monday, May 2nd to Thursday, May 5th.

The holy month of Ramadan has almost come to an end and it’s time to enjoy the festivities of Eid-ul-Fitr. The government of Pakistan has announced a four-day holiday starting from 2nd May (Monday) to let people happily celebrate the occasion with friends and family.

Eid-ul-Fitr holidays schedule

According to the notification issued by the Prime Minister’s office, the Eidul Fitr holidays will be observed from Monday, May 2nd to Thursday, May 5th. The premier was sent a summary that recommended only three days of holidays for  Eid-ul-Fitr, however, the PM approved four days of leave.

The astronomers have predicted that there are no chances of Eid moon sighting in the country on the 29th Ramzan. Hence, it is highly possible that Eid-ul-Fitr will be celebrated on 1st May. However, the metrological department hasn’t sent its requisition yet to the religious affairs ministry as per its tradition. The experts have suggested that said that the dimensional difference between the moon from the sun needs to be at 10 degrees, but it will be at eight degrees in Pakistan, hence it will be even more difficult to see the moon from any telescope.

The sighting of the Eid moon

The sighting of the new moon marks the beginning of another Islamic month. The moon-sighting issue has always been a highly debated topic in Pakistan. In 2019, the KP minister asked people to fast for one additional day after Eid as Eid was wrongfully announced in the whole country.

This year the Eid-ul-Fitr’s moon will be a special ‘Black Moon’ as the day will also mark the first solar eclipse of 2022. The solar eclipse can only be seen in South America where rare conjunction of both Venus and Jupiter can be seen along with a “shooting star” display caused by Halley’s comet.

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