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Imran Khan, the former prime minister of Pakistan, currently detained on various charges, has demanded an apology from Army Chief General Asim Munir for what he termed as his “illegal” abduction. Imran Khan demands an apology from the army chief, and he also criticized the military’s involvement in politics and vowed not to engage in any deals with the powerful institution.

Imran Khan Demands Apology from Pak Army Chief

Speaking from his detention, Imran Khan directly addressed Army Chief General Asim Munir, demanding accountability for his alleged illegal abduction. Khan accused the military of orchestrating his arrest as part of what he referred to as the ‘London Plan,’ aimed at destabilizing his government. “On the morning of May 9, 2023, my illegal abduction from the High Court was part of the London Plan, for which General Asim Munir should apologize to me,” Khan asserted, highlighting the gravity of the situation.

“A leader has to make sacrifices and this group of Nawaz and Zardari will not sacrifice under any circumstances nor will they bring their money back to the country. General Musharraf and later ISI provided details to everyone including me on their looted money and today they have been imposed on us and their corruption charges are being cleared. The purpose of imposing this fake system on the nation is only to increase the power of this one man (Gen Munir) who has destroyed the entire country for his personal power,” he said.

Khan’s Stand Against Military Interference

Imran Khan’s outspoken criticism extends beyond his personal grievances, as he condemned the military’s increasing involvement in political affairs; he highlighted the damaging impact of military interference on democracy and stability in Pakistan, pledging to resist any attempts to undermine civilian authority.

Khan emphasized the misfortune of allowing a “self-proclaimed King” to dictate national decision-making, referring to General Asim Munir. “It is the misfortune of this country that a self-proclaimed King has taken hold of all the decision-making. I am currently in prison because if I am free, it will challenge the power of that one person,” Khan lamented, highlighting the need for democratic processes to prevail.

Despite facing challenges, Khan remained resolute, asserting, “This country is my country and I will never leave it. Moreover, any deal is also out of the question.” With relentless determination, Imran Khan continues to advocate for democratic principles and civilian supremacy in Pakistan’s political aura.

Read more: American Cipher Reveals Alleged U.S. Involvement in Imran Khan’s Exit from Pakistan’s Leadership


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