Digital Pakistan policy was first introduced by Pakistan back in the year 2018. The fundamental focus of this policy was to strengthen and support the IT industry by creating a digital ecosystem. Crossing another milestone our PM Imran Khan launched a ‘Digital Pakistan Vision’ in December 2019 with the primary aim of enhancing connectivity, improving digital infrastructure, increasing investment in digital skills, promoting innovation, and tech. entrepreneurship in the country.

Tania Aidrus, former Google executive, who quit her job in order to lead the ‘Digital Pakistan Vision’ initiative, is of the view that the digital policy 2018 needs revisiting. In an interview she said:

“In order to have a clear vision on a national level, we need to adapt, change, and augment policy. We have laid out our priority areas but we will revisit the digital policy to align it with current digital developments,”

Digital Pakistan Policy 2021 will aid Pakistan’s digital transformation to improve its citizens’ quality of life and economic well-being by ensuring the availability of modern, affordable, and reliable digital services. MoITT believes in an inclusive approach for effective policy, therefore, the Civil Society, the Private Sector, and the public at large are invited to respond to the following survey form so that the policy draft is updated in the best interests of citizens of Pakistan.

More essentially, the policy is based on and follows the MOITT’s commitments concerning legislation, also involving the requirement to promote significant policy frameworks, laws, and rules to enable the forming of a sustainable IT environment.

Moreover, the policy also works towards that the MOITT will, including other things, manage and control the protection of personal data and online privacy concerns to enhance and promote transparency and security of sensitive and confidential information through convenient and applicable data protection law, as well as develop a framework for cloud-based services.

Source: Pro Pakistani

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